Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Improving the Fighting Game

So after seeing a commercial last night on TV for a new DragonBallZ game, I thought to myself, when was the last time I played a fighting game? I remember playing Street Fighter I and II in high school along with Mortal Kombat and then I played Tekken 3 a little in college, but I remember being very tired of the genre. It was always frustrating to me to learn all of the moves and then be beaten by a button pusher or to fight someone who knew all the moves for a particular game (when I didn't) and have the fight be over in a matter of seconds.

It seems too, that the action got faster, more things happening on the screen at once, which to someone who's picking up the control to that game for the first time, is a little overwhelming (Street Fighter vs. Capcom comes to mind for an example of that). Basically I have these gripes about the genre and I haven't been really interested in playing a fighting game for a very long time.

So, coming back to my opening line, I saw the commercial, thought about how long it's been since I played and thought, what changes could be made to the genre to make me interested again and I actually came up with a few.

  1. Extend the life of the combatants. I know you can modify the hit levels so less damage is done in most games, but I mean REALLY extend the life of the combatants. Make it so that even if the guy is just standing there you can't be the tar out of him in less than 4 or 5 minutes. I think that will give everyone the chance to get the hang of the game and fights can start swinging both ways in that length of time.

  2. Change it so you can't always be on the attack. Make the player tire out so they have to switch to defense to regain energy. In real life you couldn't just wail on the other person non-stop, your arms get tired, your fists start hurting, you have to back off and circle the guy, giving yourself a little break. I mean adrenaline does play a part in a fight, but it's just for small bursts, it eventually wears out too. I was thinking that depending on the intensity of the punches thrown, the complexity of the combos and special moves delivery, actually cause the player to start panting, make his punches and kicks to get weaker, make him fall down if he tires himself out too much. I think by making this change you will add a new element of strategy to the game, forcing players to learn to play offensively a little smarter and push into the forefront the importance of defense in any fight.

So there you have two suggestions for breathing new life into a genre that for me lost its luster years ago. Maybe I'm wrong about it all and people like the fighting games the way they are, but I personally think it's time for a change.

What do you think?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Storyteller Software

Well, this is it. My first foray (on my own) into the world of blogging. We will see how this goes. Will I have the dedication and motivation to keep making new posts? Will the posts be interesting in any way and attract any visitors outside of friends and family? I doubt it! But it will be fun trying.

First off, let me say a little bit about Storyteller Software. I picked that name because it's my dream to one day start my own company and call it Storyteller Software (so please, please don't steal it you bastards!) I don't plan on it being huge; it's just one of those goals I set for myself in college that someday I want to achieve. Even if it just consists of registering the business name with the state I live in and throwing up a website, I really want to say someday, "I have my own company." Am I the only one with those dreams? Or is it pretty typical for the computer industry in general. Anyway, I haven't done it yet but I have put the name out there in the form of this blog so it's kind of a start in a way (in a very roundabout, not like it at all kind of way).

Anyways, so here it is. This is my blog. I don't have any grandiose plans or themes. I just wanted another forum to express my thoughts and ideas. I've got another blog which I post to with four other guys (, but I kind of wanted something I could call my own and branch off down some other creative paths I didn't feel like doing on the group blog.

I know I probably should have introduced myself a little more (name, where I'm from, age, etc.) but I figure that will happen over time and who REALLY wants to read that boring crap anyway?

So here I am. Let's see how this goes. And welcome to the blog.