Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Storyteller Software

Well, this is it. My first foray (on my own) into the world of blogging. We will see how this goes. Will I have the dedication and motivation to keep making new posts? Will the posts be interesting in any way and attract any visitors outside of friends and family? I doubt it! But it will be fun trying.

First off, let me say a little bit about Storyteller Software. I picked that name because it's my dream to one day start my own company and call it Storyteller Software (so please, please don't steal it you bastards!) I don't plan on it being huge; it's just one of those goals I set for myself in college that someday I want to achieve. Even if it just consists of registering the business name with the state I live in and throwing up a website, I really want to say someday, "I have my own company." Am I the only one with those dreams? Or is it pretty typical for the computer industry in general. Anyway, I haven't done it yet but I have put the name out there in the form of this blog so it's kind of a start in a way (in a very roundabout, not like it at all kind of way).

Anyways, so here it is. This is my blog. I don't have any grandiose plans or themes. I just wanted another forum to express my thoughts and ideas. I've got another blog which I post to with four other guys (www.4guysfromViewpoint.com), but I kind of wanted something I could call my own and branch off down some other creative paths I didn't feel like doing on the group blog.

I know I probably should have introduced myself a little more (name, where I'm from, age, etc.) but I figure that will happen over time and who REALLY wants to read that boring crap anyway?

So here I am. Let's see how this goes. And welcome to the blog.


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